Saturday 7 June 2008

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1. Dad - Yesterday my Dad was discharged from hospital which will mean me looking after him for a few weeks while he gets more mobile with his new hip. To be far I'm quite surprised how well he is doing, ok he's on sticks but is moving ok. Its just bending he is unable to do yet but that should improve in time.

2. British Politics - I see our government have come up with another way to spend our tax. Apparently everyone is going to get free swimming which on the face of it sounds a good idea. Thats of course if you want to go swimming (and it isn't everyone), personally I'd rather have a Tax cut and decide myself what I spend my money on. Anyway its not yet down to the local Swimming Pool cos it doesn't apply to everyone until 2012, its just under 16's & over 60's for now. Now if you are going to make decisions like this why does it not start immediately for everyone, not 4 years down the line when the political party making the decision are probably not even in power.
Another thing that came to light with this great idea is the people of Wales already get this and have done for a few years. Now I don't think they pay any more taxes than me so basically I've been subbing somebody else, how can that be fair. Again its the English that are shit on by our own government.
The Free Swimming is a joke anyway as you have to pay a fortune for parking your car in most Public Car Parks, they'll probably just put the parking up.

3. American Politics - I see Hilary as final thrown in the towel and accepted she is beaten in the Democrat election, now how much as this pointless competition cost ?
So now we have Barack Obama and his "Change" Polices which in themselves I'm still waiting to see. First everytime you see him he promotes himself as the man who will change things which is quite interesting because since been a member of the Democrat party he has voted along with the party polices in 97% of the votes he has taken part in, what a rebel.
So what are his polices if he gets to power, well we all know he is against the war in Iraq but would he pull out the troops, no course he wont cos if he does Americas fuel prices will double in under one year making him look bad. He also can't pull out because it would leave a big mess any pulling out must be over a prolonged period as and when Iraq are capable of looking after themselves.
Other polices is health care for everyone & tax cuts, interesting because lets be honest the sums just don't add up, improved health care means tax increases. Yes I know he say's it will be the rich he hits with taxes but in my experience that wont work because they will invest their money in overseas tax havens, that happens in my country. The bottom line when it comes to tax the rich wont pay, the poor cant pay so its left to the average working population, that is fact.

3. Weight Loss - Still been eating to plan although last night I went to a presentation do and maybe wasn't too controlled where the food & drink was concerned. But I do allow for special occasions.

4. Music Choice - Here is a classic from the Moody Blues "Forever Autumn" superb song.


ArleneWKW said...

I like the way you've been setting up your recent posts with a mix of subjects about which you write. I especially enjoyed your comments about politics in England + the U.S. You sound pretty right on in your assessments. I'm glad your dad is home from the hospital and doing better.

TitanThirteen said...

Good on your dad for being his age, and his body is recovering better than expected. That's awesome!

I was sad to hear about Hilary :o( Men have had their turn at making a mess of that country. Now they need to let a woman in to clean it up! :o)

airliebird58 said...

Hello Mick,glad to hear your Dad is home and doing well. I'm sure he'll be charging about all over the place before you know it!
You know my thoughts about Hillary and Obama, and your right that Mr Obama has just said 'yes we can' and not a lot else. Now Hillary is not there to bash over the head, maybe the media will turn their attentions to B.O's policy's! Because lets face it, whoever is in the Whitehouse in the end effects all of us. I just have the awful feeling the Democrats have thrown away their best candidate!

Mick & Cathy said...

Hello yes politics are more about trying to be popular than speaking the truth and thats in both our countries.

Yes an now Hilary & Obama are best friends after spending a small fortune slagging each other off.

It will be interesting if Obama gets chance to prove he can achieve what policies he has got. I agree whatever it will have a knock on effect for us, we relate more to the americans than we do europe.