Wednesday 27 June 2012

Weght Loss Challenge - Week 5

Only lost 1lb this week but at least I'm still moving in the right direction but hope to do a little better next week, lets see.
I'm sort of experimenting with what I eat and did give myself a couple of treats last week because I'm well on target.
5 weeks of my challenge done with 6 to go and I'm past the half way stage so reckon right where I should be which is pleasng with not been able to exercise properly, feel my determination isn't wavering at all which we all know can happen, in fact its getting stronger.
Last night a friend I haven't seen for 3 or 4 weeks commented "have you lost some weight" think it always gives you a boost when people start to notice.

Reg records same weight as last week which isn't surprising after her good show last wednesday, still on target to reach her goal weight.

Mick - start weight 222lb - todays weight - 210lb - target loss 22lb - loss this week 1lb (5%) - total loss 12lb ( 55%).

Reg - start weight 131lb - todays weight - 128lb - target loss 6lb - loss this week 0lb (+0%) -
total loss so far - 3lb (50%)

Did have some bad news yesterday one of my cousins wife passed away, wasn't unexpected she had been battling cancer awhile now,still sad news. It didn' stop there another cousin as had a stroke, dont know any details how bad need to find out more.
They say things happen in threes and another cousin as broken his hip, he actually lives abroad so rarely see him nowadays but will try find out more.

Leeds United takeover seems to happening as the club announced "due dillegence" checks are been carried out, still no clues to who the new owners are.


Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Mick - I'm holding steady at 128. I'm sorry to hear about the misfortunes of your family.

Mick & Cathy said...

Thats good Reg considering your big loss last week, still well on target.
Will update post.

Not sure "M" will be weighing she is laid up with a bad cold.