Friday 8 April 2011

My acting career starts here

Back in 1968 Andy Warhol made the famous saying  "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes."

Well maybe my moment of fame may be about to start.

Got a email from the Singles company I went on holiday with a couple of times last year and am going with again this year. The want me to audition for a part in a promotion video to promote their holidays, looks like I've to go to a studio in London for the filming but its all expenses paid so have agreed, reckon it'll be a laugh and a day out even if not used in the final production.

They also want to do a article on me as to why I enjoy their holidays that will go in their brochure.

And if I'm used I get a £500 voucher to use on a holiday of my choice.

I've got back to them saying I'll do it so now its about waiting for further information.


Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

I love this! Congratulations and have a great time! You Romeo, you.

Sandii said...

that is AWESOME!!! well done. clearly they see your natural charm and good looks and think you'll be an excellent draw card for all those women chasing a good man!!!

congrats xxx