Friday 4 January 2008

Surrender to hunger

Why is it late a night those of us trying to lose weight give in ?

My Daily routine yesterday (a dull day) was as follows :-

1.Got up did my exercises and had a pint of water then -
2. Breakfast - Bowl of Porridge with Blueberries & Orange Juice
3.Got the weekly shopping then -
4.Lunch - A small Chicken Sandwich & Water
5.Bad weather so did a few things around the house
6.Mid Afternoon - Coffee with 2 biscuits as a treat.
7.Dinner - Bowl of Stew (with loads of veg) & Water

That was meant to be it but by 9pm I was starving and I gave in and had Cheese and biscuits, why after all the effort I know its wrong why do I do it.

Today so far -

1. Exercises & Water
2. Breakfast Porridge, Blueberries & Orange Juice
3. Did a 6 Mile Walk.
4. Lunch - Fruit (Apple Banana & Orange) & a Small Sausage Roll & Water.
5. Put Christmas Tree & decorations away.
6. Mid Aft - Coffee and biscuits
7. Dinner I'm gonna have a Ham Salad (Lettuce, Spring Onion, Celery, water to drink.

Whether I can last while bed time without eating anything else is anybody's guess. I don't want to now but how can I not give in later ? Any Ideas please ?

I'll leave you with a debate today on Smoking Laws (give me your opinion) :-

I'm unsure how many blog friends are smokers or not, I personally have never smoked. I'm also unsure what the law is in your countries but I'd like to hear a cross section of opinions.

Last year a smoking ban was introduced in England banning Smoking from Public Places (Restaurants, Sports Venues, Pubs, Theatres, work places, etc.). My initial thoughts in one respect was good I wont no longer come home with my clothes smelling of smoke every time I have a night out. My second thoughts were its a little unfair, yes I think its good in places where food is served that seemed right for me but places such as Pubs should be allowed one room where people can smoke, its your option to go in there as long as you have an alternative choice.

Well in yesterday's newspaper I read where a survey had been carried out in Scotland (who brought in the ban well before England) and it show that there has been a 17% drop in heart attack patients amongst NON-SMOKERS since the ban. The survey carried out by Glasgow University can find no other reason for this trend and puts it completely that people are no longer passive smoking.

It will be great to hear your comments particularly those that work in the service industry.


celtic_girl said...

First of all Mick, great picture, I had a good belly laugh.

Re the eating,I always save something to have with a cup of tea after dinner, around 8-9pm it's the only way I can survive. When I don't make an allowance for supper is when I go totally off the rails.Things I have are 2 low fat biscuits,or 1 slice raisen toast(fruit loaf)or 1 piece toast with a scrapping of peanut butter, a crumpet or even some fruit.

Re the smoking, we too have a ban on smoking similar to your since July 07. I think people should have the right to smoke and non smokers have the choice to not go to smoking places.

airliebird58 said...

Hello Mick, glad to see youre up and running again!
As you may know I work in a pub, and it is lovely not having smoke blown on you by people stood around the bar. Now I dont mind people smoking, I was a smoker for many years, but I've never liked a smokey atmosphere. I think where a lot of probs lie is that pubs are all open plan now, where in the old days you used to get a lounge and a bar. Surely nowadays the air conditioning is good enough to keep a clean atmosphere in a smoking room. Then checks could be made on the equipment, far easier to check than going around looking for people having a quick cig in the pub!
I have to say though, coming home from work and not smelling of smoke is very nice indeed :)

Moby Dick said...

I agree that pubs should be allowed a smoking area. I used to smoke, and I thought it was great at the time, but it has very negative effects on your health. I remember back when there would be someone in their 90s smoking, and the argument was that it could not be bad if old people are doing it.

Well, maybe there are some people that are not affected for some genetic reason. I know my lungs were full of phlegm from smoking, and it hurt my health. If some people want to do that, it should be their choice though.

As far as eating at night, the only solution that I have found is to go to sleep when the hunger begins. At night most people are tired and cannot control their hunger because it requires too much mental concentration.

Rachel said...

i do the same thing - if i don't eat "enough" during the day, about 9 p.m. i "cave" and eat. i just can't sleep if i am hungry. so i have altered my day eating just a little and so far it's worked out well. i've lost a few of the christmas pounds i let myself gain. now to work on the rest...

TitanThirteen said...

You eat really well :o)
If you get nibbly around 9pm, maybe you could go to bed and read about that time? Or have a cup of non-creamy soup?

I'm a reformed smoker [8yrs], but my opinions about smoking are the same as what they were when i smoked.
I think Smoking should be banned from all eating areas and bars. It's their choice to smoke, but it's also a non smokers choice not to smoke, including second hand smoke.
People shouldn't be allowed to smoke around children either, for obvious reasons.
In Australia smoking is banned in eateries and bars.Although most bars provide a nice outdoor area for smokers. And i think a new law has just been past where people aren't allowed to smoke in cars that also contain children.

Jenny said...

I am not a smoker, but I do think that there should be some places for them to go. I liked when there was a separate smoking room in a bar so we could hang out and folks could still smoke if they wanted too.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Maybe increase your calorie intake during the day so that at night your body doesn't think it needs to make up for deprivation.