Wednesday 23 March 2011

Weigh in Wednesday - Feeling the Benefit

Another week gone and I'm pleased to announce another small victory in my weight loss battle. Lost 2lbs this week that puts me 1lb inside my decreasing target and a total of 20lb since I started this latest campaign.
Must admit I think I'm starting to feel the benefit, had a couple of TT matches this week and reckon my movement around court is getting quicker. Still must keep it up because we all know what can happen if we take our eye off the ball.

Here are the facts :-

Start Weight (9th Nov) - 238lb
Weight last week - 220lb
Weight Today - 218lb
Gain/Loss this week - -2lb
Gain/Loss from start - -20lb
Todays Target - 219lb
+/- Target - -1lb

218lb is a significant number because looking at my first post of this latest campaign it tells me I hadn't weighed for two and half years because I didn't have any scales and guess what ? My origional weight back then (now approx 3 years ago) was 218lb. So its took me under 5 months to lose what I put on in two and half years.

Certainly haven't finished and intend to keep this 1lb per week rate up if I can although at some stage I'm thinking of having a period where I just maintain a set weight for a few weeks before kicking on again.


Sandii said...

wow - that is a great effort, seriously, you are just ripping through it! mind you, slow and steady, slow and steady and it'll stay off!!! i need some of your motivation, can you send me a bottle?? :-)

Mick & Cathy said...

You are correct when you say slow and steady, setting my target at only 1lb per week is attainable. Sure there are good and bad times, moments of weakness but knowing you can fight back from these moments is a incentive in itself.
In the past I've tended to set tough targets which are difficult if not impossible to maintain so become disheartening.