Sunday 20 March 2011

War Games

Once again our country as managed to get involved in a war, this time its Libya and to be honest its pissed me off. This is the wrong war at the wrong time its none of our business.

Wrong War - Now at the time I agreed with the Falkland war, the Argies invaded British territory and needed sorting, I didn't object to the first Gulf War Iraq was playing middle east bully boy by invading Kuwait and in fact I was disappointed we drew the line kicking them out and didn't actually kick Saddom out there and then. 2nd Gulf war I backed because I believed the Weapons of Mass destruction yarn, in hindsight we were told lies by Blair and Bush so maybe I was wrong.
I actually believe Afghanistan is a war on terror, that part of the world is a breeding ground that needs stamping out .
But Libya that is a civil war its none of our business, ok they tell us we are protecting civilians but how by bombing other civilians its a joke. Yes don't try to fool me I've watched the news and its apparent half the country support Gaddafi while the other half the opposition. I've also read the history and it used to be two countries (Tripolitania & Cyrenaica) and this is the problem, the east and west just don't get on.

In fact if our (United Nations) reason for involvement is to save civilians what happend in Rwanda, Ethiopia, Congo, etc where millions were slaughtered. Just tell us the truth and that magic word "OIL", we are not the worlds police force.

Wrong Time - It certainly is we have been in recession, we are facing higher taxes, we are seeing numerous cut-backs, the country is skint. So why are we firing numerous tomahawk cruise missiles at £1million per shot. When my taxes pay for our armed forces its for my protection right, this war as nothing to do with us.


TitanThirteen said...

Oh my goodness, i soooo agree with you!
And to add to it, Why is it that we have a UN, and yet America decides what everyone else is going to do? Why don't they just call it Unite with America? It annoys me, because it seems like America is so keen to get troops wherever they can, for any reason, just to explain to thier own tax payers why they spend so much of thier money on war crap.
Why does it have to take troops to help a country sort ITSELF out?
Why does everyone have to do what the US say anyway? Don't the rest of us have valid ideas on what to do with world trouble spots?
Why is it always what the US President decides? Who decides how far the US should or shouldn't go? No-one. And that's scary.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

On behalf of the United States, I say uh, yeah it's disturbing. Sorry. (Also, I find it interesting that we most often call our country the "United States" or "the US," but others call us "America.")

Mick & Cathy said...

Britain, France & Lebanon proposed the action and were supported by 7 other members of the 15 strong UN security council including the USA.
5 countrys did abstein, Russia, China, India, Germany & Brazil. Apparently Russia or China could have vetoed it but decided to abstein instead.

Suppose its similar here, technically we are the United Kingdom (thats what my passport says) but we are more often called Britain.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Mick, does that mean you usually refer to your country as the United Kingdom? What's the difference between "United Kingdom," "Britain" and "England?"

Mick & Cathy said...

My Nationality is English although I'm governed by the United Kingdom which actually is made up of 4 countries (England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland).
Britain is actually the island we are on which contains 3 of the countries mentioned (England, Scotland & Wales). The odd one out Northern Ireland is atached to Ireland (as the name says) and the people are very split, the protestants are very patriotic members of the United Kingdom while the Catholics want to change things and become part of a United Ireland.