Wednesday 2 March 2011

Weigh in Wednesday - Playing catch up

I'm disappointed to announce for the first time I've slipped above my target for the week. I haven't actually gained any weight I'm the same as last week but with my decreasing target I'm now 1lb above where I should be. So its about playing catch up and losing at least 2lb in the next 7 days to get back on track.
I'm blaming the fact I had to up my eating over the weekend because I felt a bit of gout coming on in my foot and under eating was the most likely cause (Under as well as over eating can be a problem). Other causes can include dehydration and wrong foods but don't think either was the issue in this instance.

Here are the facts :-

Start Weight (9th Nov) - 238lb
Weight last week - 223lb
Weight Today - 223lb
Gain/Loss this week - 0lb
Gain/Loss from start - -15lb
Todays Target - 222lb
+/- Target - +1lb

The bottom line is I need to push myself this week because I want to win this battle.


celtic_girl said...

Mick you are doing so well yourve lost just over a stone so don't let this disuede you.

I had a good laugh at your "Only in Britan" post yesterday, but we Aussies also Buy McDonalds with a Diet Coke - stupid I know.

Sandii said...

Mick, you are doing so well, don't beat yourself up and remember life is what happens while you're busy making plans so targets are great but not meeting them on time doesn't = failure! xxx