Friday 9 October 2009

Need to hit the weight loss & fitness routine again

Its been a bad summer for me losing weight, its just been so hard to motivate myself and so easy to be lazy.
Yes I've been sort of depressed with what happend one pleasing thing is that I didn't turn to food or drink for comfort. I maybe haven't exercised as much as I should but on a positive note I don't think I've put much if any weight on.

Anyway I've made a few rules for myself to follow -

1. Don't sleep in - May be a silly but when you arn't working its so easy to lie in bed, I set the alarm for 7.30am each morning.

2. Mornings are for working - After breakfast mornings are about getting jobs done whether in the garden or around the house or something as simple a shopping. Basically I don't sit down until lunchtime.

3. Afternoons are me time - Seriously its the time to relax between Lunch and preparing the evening meal, maybe read the paper, come on the computor or watch TV.

4. Exercise in the evenings - Yes I'm determined to do some sort of exercise after my evening meal, its easy the nights I've got TT but other nights I've done a few miles walk (and did I mention the cycling machine I've loaned).

5. Restrict Computor time - 2 hours per day max allowed.

6. No food other than fruit after 7pm - just sensible eating

7. Cut out sweets or Chocolate - more sensible eating

8. No sugar in hot drinks - I occasionally have a coffee and have liminated sugar.

9. Eat sensible amounts plus plenty of fruit or veg per day - normal diet
Breakfast - Weetabix, blueberries or strawberries & Fruit Juice (orange)
Lunch - Soup or weight watchers ready meal
Afternoon - Coffee (maybe with a biscuit as a treat)
Evening Meal - Meat dish with at least 3 veg or salad.
Night - Fruit Juice (Pineapple) plus a Apple.

Obviously its always open to adjustments, this weekend I'm away playing TT in the National League, it'll be physically hard and I'll be eating sandwiches & fruit as and when I need to keep energy levels up.


celtic_girl said...

Me too!!

I like your plan and I agree with the getting out of bed early. I'm on holidays myself now and plan to get up early so I can get things done. I think having a sense of acheivment does wonders for our self worth and motivation.

Mick & Cathy said...

I've always been a "planner" type person, so giving myself rules is a good thing. I need targets to make me put in the effort.