Sunday 13 April 2008

Some People irritate me

The other day I was going to the supermarket to pick up some shopping, I parked my car and as I was walking across the car park towards the main entrance a car came racing in and drove straight into the disabled parking space.
As I approached I noticed two lads get out aged about 20 I guess, no one else was in the car. Anyway I was polite and asked the driver if he was disabled (having a disabled mother it irritates me when people abuse designated parking spaces).

The conversation went something like this -
Driver - "What the f**k as it to do with you"
Me - "I'm just pointing out thats a disabled space and somebody may need it, there are plenty of other spaces at the back of the car park"
Driver - "I'll park where I want so f**k off and mind your own buisness" (think he called me a choice name here)
Me (was getting angry) - "I think its everyones buisness"
Passenger (trying to be diplomatic) - "We are not going to be long"
Me - "Makes no difference, them places are there for a reason"
Driver - "What you gonna do about it"
Me - "Leave your car here and you'll find out"
Driver - "You're asking for a punch"
Me (was digging my heels in now & other customers were starting to watch)- "Just try it"
Passenger - "Maybe we should move"
Driver - "I'm not taking any notice of this t**t"
Me - "Well you have a problem then haven't you cos you're breaking the law and I'm not"
Driver - "I'm going to get angry"
Me - "Thought you were already that"
Other Customer - "He's right just move your car"
Driver - "Why should I"
Other Customer - "With all this fuss you'll be on CCTV and probably get clamped"
Passenger - "He could be right"
Driver - "Oh F**k it get back in" turned to me and said "You had better hope you don't run into me again"
Me - "Yes right, think I'll look forward to it"

And off he went, what a plonker.


airliebird58 said...

More people should speak up, you where very brave Mick. I'm sure you can look after yourself (most Leeds fans can it seems lol) but you have to be careful nowadays as there are some right nutters about! Well done to you!

TitanThirteen said...

It's kinda sexy that you stood up to that loud mouth like that! ;o)

celtic_girl said...

Good on you for standing up to this tosser.