Wednesday 2 April 2008

Another Week another pound


For four weeks running I've managed to lose weight, this week it was 1lb. I've gone from 208.2lb to 207.2lb maybe not massive amounts but I feel slowly is the way to do it. I think the main reason is not what I'm eating (that can improve) but the level of exercise I'm doing at present. Walking good distances most days, playing TT & Golf when I can is paying dividends.

I'd like to lose another 2 or 3 pounds before my vacation which is under 3 weeks away.


TitanThirteen said...

lol i love that shirt. I was going to get one but i never got around to it.

Good on you for the loss. Slow as it may be, it's a loss :o)

Moby Dick said...

You are the lightest blogger that is on the weight-loss blogs. Good job. I think once you are under 200 that is pretty much graduation day. What is it for you?

Jenny said...

Way to go on the continued loss. It is an incremental process and you are moving in the right direction.