Thursday 16 June 2011

Weigh in Wednesday - The Scales don't lie so here we go again

I got back from holiday last night and decided to jump on the scales (ok its thursday not wednesday) to see what damage as been done over the last 2 months.

I expected a increase with whats gone on recently (two holidays, Mum passing away plus starting a new relationship with a lot of eating out) and discovered I'm up by 11lb from April. Back then I weighed in at 213lb and today its 224lb (still a bit in front of the peak back last november when I was 238lb).

So from today its back on the wagon and the lbs are goingto cme off, gonna give myself a target of losing 21lb before my next holiday on September 24th when Paula and myself are planning to go away, not sure where yet.
I make that about 14 weeks so its 1.5lb per week from today that I'll be trying to achieve.

So anyone else up for a challenge over the same period then we can compare how we are doing against each other and our targets. Just set your own target (doesn't have to be 21lb an be more or less) what you want to lose (and think can achieve) in that time period, then weigh each wednesday and let me know and I'll do comparrison percentage and post, so no hiding place.

Start :-
Mick - 224lb (target 203lb)

On another note I really enjoyed my holiday and will post more later plus some photos. Saw some amazig places and had a lot of fun with some very nice people. Seven of us stuck together mainly on a evening because we got on really well, certainly did a lot of laughing between us. Strangely we all came from different parts of the country but maybe some of our paths will cross again, who knows we've swapped contact details.

round table - Rachael, Me, Liz, Mick, Eirian, Paul & Trevor.


Anonymous said...

just a place to start babe! xxx

can't wait for the pics and stories. xxx

talk soon


Rachael said...

Can't wait for the pics - what a blast we had! Saw 'my Mick' on Thursday and made him more jealous with descriptions of sights seen and fun had. Rachael x

Mick & Cathy said...

yep a place to start.

Didn't see Paula until the weekend and was still tired, god to see her though missed her a lot (despite all the laughs we had).