Wednesday 2 February 2011

Weigh in Wednesday - Lost battle but winning the war

I was disappointed to find at this mrnings weigh in that I've actually gained 1lb this week but on a good note I'm still on target so reckon its a case of losing a battle but still winning the war.
To be honest I can't explain why I didn't lose this week, thought I'd eaten ok, exercised and expected a slight loss. Hopfully its just a blip and I'll lose some this week.

Here is the facts :-

Start Weight (9th Nov) - 238lb
Weight last week - 225lb
Weight Today - 226lb
Gain/Loss this week - +1lb
Gain/Loss from start - -12lb
Todays Target - 226lb
+/- Target - olb

Went to the dentist for a filling this morning and my tooth is a little sensitive at present so hopfully it'll settle down. It also makes a hole in your pocket when paying for it.


Sandii said...

pfft the body does strange things, holds onto water some weeks and not on others - you're winning and that's all that matters!! i get on the scales every day and some days i'm up, way up and the next day i'm way back down... not sure why i torture myself like that but i do! lol and it's just 1lb, it'll be gone tmw, trust me! ;-)

ArleneWKW said...

Yuk re. the dentist. I've spent a fortune over the years on implants and now a couple are failing. I'm not up for replacing them, physically or financially.

As long as you're eating appropriately and exercising sufficiently, your body will get rid of the extra lbs. if not this week, then another. I've been doing well all week, but may show only a slight weight loss if any because I've been eating a large quantity of fruit today. (I've rejoined Weight Watchers and tonight is weigh-in time.)

TitanThirteen said...

My dentist rocks!! I even added her as a friend on Facebook lol
She is soooooo gentle that there's no pain while she's in my mouth, and after the pain killers wear off, i wouldn't even know she'd been in there! She's like an angel in a dentist outfit, i swear!

My body is being weird too. I've been super good but my scales haven't budged.
Maybe the common denominator is the dentist? lol