Friday 20 August 2010

One Year

For me today is a sad anniversary, its exactly one year since Jane passed away, I imagine its something I'll never fully get over but at the same time I know I've to keep looking forward.

Just felt I should share my sadness with my blog friends, must admit many of your words were greatly appreciated at the time.

Thinking back its strange how actual friends in real life shy away from talking to you when sad events happen, I'm sure I've been guilty of the same error of judgement myself in the past but now I have learned people who have lost someone close actually need to talk about it, well thats how I was anyway.

This morning I actually spoke to Janes Mum on the phone, we had a good chat, seemed the right thing to do.


Sandii said...

can't believe it's a year already. i think Jane would be very happy to see you getting on with things the way you have been.

thinking of you hon x

Mick & Cathy said...

You are right, moving on is important, its dificult at times ut I'm getting there.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Mick, I think it was damn decent of you to talk to Jane's mother on the anniversary of Jane's death. What a great guy you are. I'm so sorry she's gone.