Monday 23 August 2010

A new adventure & phone

My adventures are about to continue, I'm going to get back on track with my ambition to see all the worlds great cities. October I'm going to add Budapest to my list, booked a flight and hotel for 6 nights got a good hotel deal so am quite happy.
Apparently it is actually two cities seperated by the river Danube, I'm staying at the Pest side which seems to be where all the main shopping, restaurants, etc is. Buda across the water is quite hilly and as the castle among its historic sites. My hotel looks nice and in a good location, its called inn-side Kalvin house.

I'm flying with easyjet from Luton on 6th October, its gonna be a adventure because I can't speak Hungarian so they better speak good english, lol. One thing for sure I'll feel rich when I get my money with the rate been over 300HUF to the £.

On another note I've treated myself to a new mobile phone, my old one was certainly showing its age.


celtic_girl said...

Dear Mick,

I was thinking of you on Friday when it was Jane's anniversary. I remember the date as it corressponds with a reli's birthday. I hope you were not too down and remembered the good times and the wonderful person you were able to love albeit for a short time.


Sandii said...

woot woot - how exciting! you know i live vicariously through you and your travels right!!! lol

Mick & Cathy said...

Good to have you back Celtic Girl.

Sandii, right, lol