Tuesday 10 August 2010

Far Far Away - ok i want to travel

As most of you know I love travel its one of my passions along with Sport and music but its a while since I travelled totally solo and I need to build up confidence to do it again. Sure I went on a Singles holiday recently but that was different that was travelling with other singles and fun in its own right, I've actually another one booked to Spain in November.

So where should I go, I'm not a beach bum would rather visit a interesting city with plenty to see and do and if you can add some decent nightlife even better.

Think if I do go anywhere it will probably be in September for a long weekend somewhere in Europe. Not that I only want to see Europe I want to eventually visit every continent while I'm on this earth, there are cities I want to see and some holidays I want to do, reckon I'll start a list but if anyone as good ideas I'll maybe add them.

So here are a few of the european cities I want to visit that I've not yet been to :-
Berlin, Barcelona, Budapest, Vienna, Rome, Florence, Lisbon, Brussels, Rekyavik, Moscow, Madrid.

Have done Paris, Dublin, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Luxemburg, Hamburg, Valletta to mention a few.


Anonymous said...

You can cross Barcelona off a year in November. That's where we are going for my 40th and You're invited!!! Janine

Sandii said...

hey, you should check out Cambodia, i'm going in March and i've heard it's magic, very grass roots though and a culture shock that will change your life - I CAN'T WAIT!!! of course then there is always Australia.... ;-)