Monday 16 August 2010

My IQ is 125 (or is it better) - thanks Sandii

Just reading the posts of my blog friends and Sandii had posted about IQ tests and posted a link to a free test site.

To be honest I've never done one before but what the hell I thought I'll give it a bash.

Well as you can see I scored 125, don't know if that is good. I will add I don't know how they calculate it but if they use time it takes you to complete in the equation reckon I should be better because I got a phone call in the middle of the test.

IQ Test - IQ Test

Of course you can all now have a go yourselves using the link.

1 comment:

Sandii said...

you are a clever cookie! 125 is brilliant, Einstein had an IQ of 161 or something so you're not far off the pace!

i feel famous seeing my name up in lights on your blog! :-)

hope you're keeping well!!! xxx