Tuesday 30 December 2008

2008 and on to 2009

2008 as been a big year in my life not only did I reach the milestone of 50 years old its the first time since my school days I haven't had a job. No panic there in itself cos that was my plan after becoming redundant at the end of 2007.
On a irritating note looks like I'm gonna be Ill to see the New Year in, I'm really struggling with a Sore Throat, Headache, aching joints, think I've gone down with a bug.

Money - Well since getting a good opportunity to finish work with a decent pay out its always been a toss up whether the works pensionable income & my other investments & redundancy cash were enough to mean I could perminantly retire. I've monitered my money on a regular basis to see the rate I've needed to use it, on the face of it I seem to have spent more than I had hoped over 12 months. However that isn't strictly true because about half my money is invested in Share based schemes & with the Global Market crash on paper I've lost quite a bit there. However I've not touched them accounts and am optimistic that they will come back over the next two years as the market improves.
Taking these facts into consideration I reckon the jury is still out so I'll not be looking for work in the immediate, thats not saying I'd turn some part time work down should it present itself, however I'm not panicking yet.

Weight Loss - Got to be honest here and say I reckon give or take the odd pound I'm about the same as when I started the year. I've tended to have purges of effort but to be honest my many vacations & a few weaker moments have always stopped my progress. Also I think the poor wet weather we got through the year limited my exercise.
So once again a new year means a new determined and I've put a plan together and I reckon it needs a few extreme measures to get me kick started :-
a) I am giving up beer for the first four weeks of the year (could be tough but a few years ago I did this and it paid dividends).
b) No eating except fruit after 6pm.
c) No biscuits, sweets or chocolate other than the occasional reward when I've done well.
d) Exercise in one form or another every day for at least one hour.
Actually think my proper meal eating is ok its the extras that do the damage.

Travel - Had a great adventure in 2008 having a number of trips away, in fact I counted up the other day and I actually spent between 50 & 60 nights away from home. On my travels I was lucky enough to visit 6 places I've never been before, In America Austin, Kansas City, Houston & San Antonio, in Ireland Dublin & actually in my own country Windsor.
Sure in 2009 I'm hoping to travel a lot again mainly because I love it, love the adventure. However my trips abroad may be limited because of the weak pound against the worlds currencys makes it a very expensive hobby. Thought it was just America & Euro countries but I checked out some Eastern European places I'd like to visit and the story is just the same against their monetery unit.
I suppose the good side is that its great for any industries over here that export and of course tourists are now flocking here for a cheap holiday, it all brings money into our country & may eventually help us out of the recession quicker than most.
So it looks like I'll maybe be having a look around my own country this year, I think sometimes its easy to forget what you have at home.

Romance - 2008 I've been lucky enough to meet a lovely lady "Jane", actually met her through the internet (MySpace) & so far we've got on fantastic and had some memorable times together. Only problem is we live at opposite ends of the country but we are organising regular weekends away together. We already have the first two planned & booked for 2009, in fact she is coming to watch me play Table Tennis in January (if that doesn't put her off nothing will).

Football - Sure everyone who reads my blog knew about my teams problems last season when they were docked 15 points yet still managed to make the play offs only to lose the final. Well we all expected this season with a better squad & starting on a level playing field we would easily get promotion. Well typical of my Club they've been leaking goals for fun & are currently sitting just above mid-table. However we've just got a new manager & he seems to have stopped the rot & is turning things around so optimistic we are again but have some catching up to do.

Music - Actually got some cracking Cd's for my collection in 2008 but there is one I want this year. Don't know if any of the readers remember a couple of years ago when I was in Toronto I found a CD i'd been looking for over 20 years from a little known group called The Photos.

Well apparently when the group split up in 1981 they had just recorded a new album but it was shelved & put in a vault by the record company. Well after all this time it has been dug out & released in 2008 so if anyone sees it let me know. Its called "Crystal Tips & mighty mice" by the Photos.
The group was dubbed in 1980 as the English answer to Blondie because of their similar styles.

And Remember Everyone have a great 2009


ArleneWKW said...

Happy 2009 Mick. Like you, sickness has messed up our New Year's Eve plans. I've had an energy draining cold since a week before Christmas so wasn't able to celebrate with family that day either. Your weight loss decisions are good ones. I hope we'll both be making better progress in that area. May the new year see you and Jane together with continued wonderful adventures.

celtic_girl said...

Happy 2009 Mick, I hope it was not to miserable for you with your cold/flu. Has it been a year since you left work, my goodness where foes the time go, no wonder our lives seem to fly.

I hope your dad recuperates from his gallbaldder operation, just tell him to go easy on the fatty things for a while, as they have caused a few problems for me.

TitanThirteen said...

Happy new year! [[HUG]]

Hope your dad gets his act together :o)

[the word verification on your comments actualy spells a word, "bounds" How odd lol]

Jenny said...

Here's to a happy and prosperous new year. I am so happy for you and your gal and I hope it continues to work well for you.