Thursday 10 July 2008

The people are fooled/robbed again

1. Road Tax - The Government have fooled/robbed the people they are supposed to represent by putting up the road tax by astronomical amounts. Ok this depends on the size of your vehicle and its emmisions. The excuse is that it is a Green Tax in the fight against Global Warming. I could nearly support it in some ways if I believed it was going to be ploughed back in to the environment.
However I would say it is a Mean Tax because everyone was mislead about what was going to happen due to lies by the Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Ok I can understand the idea of this tax but for people buying new vehicles from now. People caught out and stuck with the wrong type of vehicle have been hit with a double wammy because they either pay the tax or sell their vehicle and of course the 2nd hand value as plummeted overnight, they can't win.
Lets remember we are also getting screwed by the highest fuel duties in the world, the country is truly been destroyed by these numpty's trying to run it.

2. America Again - Yep I've another holiday sorted, I travel to Chicago on 25th August for 3 nights then onto Houston for 5 more nights. Its then on to New Orleans where I'll spend 7 more nights before returning to England on the evening og september 9th.
Houston & New Orleans are places I haven't been before and while I'm in the other there is the "Texas Music Festival" on for 3 of the days.

3. Music Choice - Well for todays choice I've gone for a song I really like its "Will You" by Hazel O'Conner -


TitanThirteen said...

Does the government EVER really do things for the people? Naaahhh.

America again?? Gee man, stop it already! lol

Jenny said...

Another trip! Wow, it sounds like a fun one. I have heard that N'Awlins is coming back around after Hurrican Katrina, so it should be interesting to check out.

Personally, I am not a fan of Houston, but I am sure you will enjoy yourself. Galveston Island is not a bad beach if you ever want to catch some rays while you are in Houston.

ArleneWKW said...

New Orleans and a music festival in Texas sounds like the perfect ingredients for a great vacation. You may have a hard time resisting the beinots or beigois or bbb in New Orleans. Yummy and loaded with fat. But the music and sense of party. I was in pre-hurricane New Orleans. I look forward to the pictures you'll (most likely??) be posting upon your return home.

Mick & Cathy said...

Your question about the Government - "NO THEY DON'T"

Yes another trip, can't wait.

Food doesn't have calories on holiday I believe.

airliebird58 said...

Global warming is one big money making scam! Lets face it, if the Government really wanted to encourage us to be more environmentally friendly, they would offer incentives, not hit you over the head with more tax!
I'm all for re-cycling and conserving energy etc, but this carbon footprint rubbish is just a way of getting more money out of us by the back door! Climate change is a natural phenomenon, what heats us up is that rather large hot thing in the middle of the Solar System. Oooo, what's it called? Ah yes, the Sun!