Thursday 14 January 2010

The problem with diets

I know a lot of us on here are trying to lose a bit of weight using various diet methods. In the past we've all had the yo-yo problems, keeping up the diet for so long, losing a bit of weight only to weaken and put it on again.

I was interested to read one of my friends Regina commented on my last post about my Black Jeans saying how certain foods can give her stomach pains.

Well I have a secondary problem in that I'm suspect to Gout if I get my diet wrong. I'm sure you all know what gout is but just in case I'll tell you. Its a inflammation in various joints caused by a build up of crystals, this in turn is caused by the Uric acid in your blood getting too high. Some people are much more prone to it than others. In laymans turns "Its bloody Painfull".

Anyway why is it a problem for dieting, its only associated by certain foods.
Well actually although certain foods can cause an unbalance in your blood they are not the only cause.

I have 3 other causes that effect my blood count and can cause severe Gout attacks.
1. If my weight goes up much higher than it is now I'm prone to attacks. So of course losing weight is good, the more overweight the more chance of gout attacks.
2. Dehydration is another problem, I've got to make sure my water intake is high but this is also good for diet. Sometimes its a problem if I play a lot of Sport and don't drink enough.
3. But the bad news is if I lose weight too quickly again a bl0od imbalance occurs resulting in a painful attack.

Now this week No3 as caused a bit of a problem with a Gout attack, So far I've managed to control it to a mild attack with the help of some anti-inflammetry tablets. I've also had to up my food intake slightly but don't get me wrong I'm still controlling what I eat.

In the past its been these gout attacks that have brought many weight loss plans to a halt but this time I'm trying really hard to win the battle.
I've cut out a lot sugar & some fatty things from my diet and taking on more fruit and Veg. Its going to be ongoing trying to find the perfect balance for me, but I am trying.


Fairy Mae said...

I'm rootin' for ya!!

TitanThirteen said...

As we get older food effects us differently too. I've always had an iron stomach but John gets an upset stomach at the drop of a hat!
The gout sounds really aweful, like artheritus! :o(

ArleneWKW said...

Shrimp and scallops are among the foods that are most likely to bring on gout attacks. Unfortunately. Matt suffered from gout and had to avoid them. With all else that was going on for him though, the gout was eventually brought under control.