Sunday 10 January 2010

10 days and the Black Jeans

Well we are 10 days into the new year and I'm still sticking to my food intake plans. Not sure how much I've lost because my scales don't work.

Anyway what I can tell you is I reckon after Christmas I was at a heavy point. My evidence is I dug a old pair of black jeans out of the wardrobe and tried them on New Years Eve. I'd stopped wearing them some time ago because they were tight (must have shrunk in the wash, lol).

The bad news is NYE I couldn't fasten them, well not and breath at the same time. This actually provided me with incentive so I'm sticking to my plan.

So 10 days since NYE I've just tried the jeans on again and I can actually now fasten them and actually breath. Not sure yet they are comfy enough to actually go out in but I'm hoping to get there before the end of the month.

I actually like these jeans and I'm away at the end of January so I'm hoping they fit perfect by then, that'll be good.


celtic_girl said...

Clothes are the best measure to use, so by the sound of it yourve dropped a few pounds now you can do them up.

How are you holding up with the weather? Looks damn cold over there,we on the other hand are melting here with the temp and humidty - I hate the humidity - I just seem to melt.

Mick & Cathy said...

Luckily the tempreture as improved, its now fluctuating a couple of degrees either side of freezing. A fair bit of snow melted yesterday so hopefully its getting better.

Fairy Mae said...

Woohoo!!! Two thumbs up!

TitanThirteen said...

Cheers to sticking to the plan and It's awesome about the jeans. It feels great to get into clothes...that shrunk in the wash ;o)

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Congratulations on the zip-up. I have a new January attitude toward food as well. I just figured out that a lot of my stomach aches are a reaction to wheat, sugar and corn. Dropping weight shouldn't be hard now that I've cut out everything that contains any wheat, corn or sugar!

TitanThirteen said...

Check out my blog, i have something for you :o)