Wednesday 13 July 2011

Weigh in Wednesday - Happy with result

I'm happy to report a 2lb loss this week because I didn't expect it, had a heavy night out on Saturday and probably drunk too much and exercise hasn't been great due to my gout.

Stayed at Paula over the weekend and after a day out at Brimham rocks a local beauty spot we decide to head into the City. We first went for a meal then chilled over a steady drink, the races had been on and Pubs soon started to fill with hoards of people. I knew some of the lads from my local were in town so we got in touch with them and met up. One thing led to another and we all had too much but hell these things happen and we all had a good laugh.

Anyway back to the weight loss, I'm hoping to continue the progress as the exercise will increase as my gout as all but cleared up which a relief. Sadly Paula is still struggling with her hamstring and is getting frustrated about it, its not too bad when she gets moving but if she sits for any period its really hard t get going again. Its tough helping all I can do is try cheer her up and a few hugs.

I'm away playing TT in Leicestershire this weekend and Paula is coming along so hopfully she can rest her leg while watching me run about the court like a headless chicken, lol. Its a National ranking event for veterans so will be some very tough matches (still maybe sweat a few pounds out). We are staing over Friday and Saturday night so it'll be good to get another weekend together.
Results of week 4 :-
Start Weight - 224lb
Weight last week - 221lb
Weight this week - 219lb
Target weight - 203lb
loss/gain in week - -2lb
loss %  against target - 23.8%


TitanThirteen said...

So who is Paula, the blonde leaning on the rocks, or the red butt walking away? lol
Those rock formations are awesome!
Yaaaay on the loss!

Mick & Cathy said...

Cactus, Its the blonde.

Sandii said...

woo hoo! great loss Mick!!!

love the pics, looks amazing... sounds like a lovely time was had and you two are going great guns!

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

I'm so glad to hear you and Paula are happy.

TitanThirteen said...

White Rose Boy - I knew that, i was just being a smartass ;o)