Wednesday 1 April 2009

G20 Summit protests

Is it just me or do a lot of the protestors at todays G20 summit piss everybody off. I'm not talking about genuine people that just want to protest peacefully about issues they strongly believe in, agree or not agree everyone has that right.

However I am talking about the anarchists who just want to destroy society, I am talking about people who have just turned up to cause trouble and live for a riot, I am talking about people who want to change our capitalist society yet never come up with alternatives.

Sure all our governments have made mistakes but would anyone reading this want those protestors running the country, certainly not me.

Just seen one get interviewed on TV, he was typical, 25 year old, unemployed, never had a job, never intends to have a job, then critisises the country that feeds him, how stupid is he.

Of course the usual protestors will be there, they attend every protest whatever its about, all I can say to these people is "get a life", normal tax paying citizens are sick of keeping you. If the western world is so bad move somewhere else.

Someone spray painted on a wall "Money is for losers", no actually its the benefits of working hard (or should be), all you can expect and resonably comlain about is lack of opportunity. Nobody should expect to live on handouts.

I've just seen some protestors attack police who are just doing a job protecting people & property, the same people then complain of brutality when the police hit back with battons, what do they really expect. So does these protests damage big buisness - NO - It effects all the small buisnesses in the area that have to close, get vandalised, lose trade, etc.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Sad to say, but it is usually those individuals that take all of the attention away from those peacably trying to express their opinions.