Tuesday 11 November 2008

About Me - Thanks Jenny

Well my blog friend Jenny got tagged with this and reckoned I'd give it a bash, so here goes.


1. Where is your cell phone? Bedroom
2. Your significant other? Work
3. Your hair? Gone
4. Your mother? Elderly
5. Your father? Gardening
6. Your favorite thing? Friends
7. Your dream last night? None
8. Your favorite drink? Orange
9. Your dream/goal? Millionaire (need the lottery I think)
10. You’re in? Home
11. Your fear? Snakes
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Alive
13. Where were you last night? bed
14. What you’re not? Skinny
15. Muffins? Muel
16. One of your wish list items? Laptop
17. Where you grew up? Yorkshire
18. The last thing you did? Lunch
19. What are you wearing? shorts
20. Your TV? Off
21. Your pet? None
22. Your computer? Here
23. Your life? good
24. Missing someone? Yes
25. Your car? Focus
26. Something you’re not wearing? socks
27. Favorite Store? M & S
28. Your summer? Wet
29. Your favorite color? White
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Dunno

Now it’s 4 answers
32. FOUR PEOPLE WHO E-MAIL ME? Jane, Charlie, Pete & Steve.
33. FOUR OF MY FAVORITE FOODS: Yorkshire Pudding, Steak, Cheese, Pineapple
34. FOUR PLACES I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT NOW? Pub, Holiday, Elland Road, With Jane.
35. FOUR PEOPLE I THINK WILL RESPOND: Cactus, Celtic, Arlene & Fairy Mae


ArleneWKW said...

You're right, I responded. An interesting exercise.

celtic_girl said...

OK, I anwsered your tag, added it to the end of my last post.

So glad your seeing more of Jane and the two of you hit it off.Trust Cactus to ask if there was any romance!!!

TitanThirteen said...

Yes Celtic Girl, i want ALL the smut!! lol
You wanna know too, don't lie lol

Respond how? Do the tag?

Jenny said...

OK, what on earth of muel muffins??