Monday, 21 January 2013

Cheap Shopping

When I go shopping I'm always on the look out for bargains especially among such things as Frozen Food, Tinned stuff, Cleaning products, etc. These things keep so why not.
The thing is my cupboards & freezer are very well stocked up so my plan for the next 3 or 4 weeks is to live off the stuff i've got in.
The only shopping I intend to get is fresh stuff such as Milk, Bread, Vegetables & Fruit, its going to be a cheap shopping month.

Onto weight loss and I'm pleased to report another 2lb lost this week and I made my 2,000 calorie average per day target, despite only been below that total on two days.

Here is the results :-
Daily record :-
Monday - 2096 cals
Tuesday - 2003 cals
Wednesday - 1945 cals
Thursday - 2026 cals
Friday - 1860 cals
Saturday - 2033 cals
Sunday - 2018 cals

Average - 1997 cals.

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