Saturday, 8 September 2012

Did Obama do good for America

Almost 4 years ago (nov 2008) I posted an Obama quiz asking how people thought he would do in is term in office. With the money blowing circus that is the American Elections arriving in our news programmes how do you think he did.

From day one I always had suspicians his "change" was a load of old bull an he was another Tony Blair, good talker but nothing else.
But got to give the bloke a chance and now we can look at the facts.

These are the questions I asked in 2008 (with my answers from the time) -

1. What Tax levels will the Americans be paying compared to today ?
a) More
b) Less
c) About the same

2. What will Employment levels be ?
a) More Unemployed
b) Less Unemployed
c) About the Same

3. Value of the £ against the $ (currently £1 = $1.63)
a) More $ to £
b) Less $ to £
c) About the Same

4. Law & Order
a) Higher Crime Rate
b) Lower Crime Rate

5. Troops out of Iraq ?
a) In 18 months as promised
b) During is term of office
c) Still there

6. Troops out of Afganistan
a) All Out
b) Reduction in numbers
c) Increase in numbers
d) Same amount there

7. Environment
a) 80% cut in emmisions as promised
b) significant reduction in emmisions
c) Slight reduction in emmisions
d) No reductions in emmisions

8. Health Service
a) No Change
b) Free Health Service for the Poor
c) Free Health Service for all
d) Significantly Cheaper Health Service
e) Slightly Cheaper Health Service

9. Stock Markets (Dow Jones) currently approx 9,600
a) Higher
c) Same

10. Who'll win the next Election ?
a) Democrats
b) Republicans
c) Dunno

My answers
1. a)Higher Taxes - Hate to say it but told you so- with more tax rises promised in 2013 (his speech in washington 11th july 2011 stated this.
2. c) Similar levels unemployed - Actually 86,000 Americans now don't have a job than when he took office.
3. a) More Dollars to £ (think its actually about 15cents lower than it should be and will level out) - I called this wrong its about the same today, so no change.
4. a) Higher Crime Rate, think more poverty will cause that as population increases. - Can only find data for his first two years in office and it dropped both years so credit where credit is due.
5. b) Think they'll be out at some stage but 18 months is too ambitious. - Got there eventually, give him a job achieved badge.
6. d) Can't see the situation changing for both the US or UK could even be an increase. - No change actually think more troops, think this is Obamas Vietnam.
7. b) Significant decrease although 80% not attainable - All talk no action from the worlds biggest gas guzzlers.
8. e) Think he'll make efforts but find its a bottomless pit. - Talk is cheap, no real improvement in health care, love to hear any Americans opinions on this one.
9. a) Higher, think history suggests it will grow again - As predicted its gone up as all stock markets around the world have, as i said history is the big indicator, so the rich just got richer during the last 4 years.
10. c) Dunno - Depends whether the "Change" is good or bad for the Americans & it can go either way I'm sure. - Over to the American people on this one.


Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Reg the American here! Why do you think health care hasn't improved since President Obama took office? See my post of 1 August 2012: there have been improvements. Also, most of the new health care laws don't take effect for another year or so (2014 for signifcant ones). I think President Obama will be re-elected and I don't just think that because I'll vote for him. I don't think Romney will succeed any better than John Kerry in 2004 when he tried to unseat Bush.

Mick & Cathy said...


In what ways has it improved considering the promise (in this term of office) was to provide health care for everyone ?

Secondly he promised to put a lot of investment into research, as this happened ?

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Mick, if you're question is truly "how has health care improved," I can write about the extension of coverage for people to stay on their parents' insurance causing more young people to be covered than ever before. I could also name the womens' preventive services (pap smears, wellness visits) that are now covered that weren't before. But if you're saying that Obama hasn't done everything he promised, no of course he hasn't. No politician ever does. Why do you sound so upset about this?

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Mick, you might do some research on the Affordable Care Act. Some of the most major changes don't take effect until 2014, including rules requiring insurers to accept all applicants, even those with health problems, and an expansion of state Medicaid programs. Look it up. No, we won't all have health coverage by the end of 2012 but it's coming, that is, if it's not screwed up by those who oppose President Obama's legislation just because they dislike Obama.

Mick & Cathy said...

Personally I'm not a fan of Obama because he reminds me so much of Tony Blair when he came to power over here, his campaign called "New Labour" at the time was very similar to Obamas "Change" speeches. And I for one believed and supported it. But in real terms the nation was screwed.

History has proved that everything Blair did was for his own publicity in my opinion. In fact as my Father once put it, he turned out to be more of a Tory (republican).

Yes been reading since i wrote this article about about your medicaid & medicare and they sound good so i'll stand corrected if they prove to work and are financially viable.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

I really enjoy our exchanges, Mick.