Monday, 25 January 2010

Happy new laptop

Just thought I'd let you know I've decided to treat myself to a Laptop computor. I've never had one always a desktop for me and this one is old and slow.

Went to PC World and had a look at a few last week but didn't make my mind up until the weekend which I wanted.

Anyway I've now made my mind up so have ordered online, its supposed to arrive within 5 working days so I'm sort of excited.

Only trouble is I've only got dial up broadband so I'll have to get that changed to wireless. Not really a problem because I'm planning on changing my Internet provider anyway.

Probably wont see the new laptop until next week as I'm away from Wednesday, playing TT down south at the weekend and staying over Friday & Saturday night in Swindon. I'm actually off a couple of days earlier to go to Winchester to see Janes parents and take some flowers to where they laid the ashes.


TitanThirteen said...

Dial up broadband? That's a bit of a contradiction.

Where are Janes ashes? I thought they were spread over a river.

celtic_girl said...

Once you have used a laptop you will never go back to a desktop, they are just so much better and portable

Mick & Cathy said...

They are in a garden with a plaque close to the river in the City she was from.

ArleneWKW said...

I'm glad you continue to get out and play. I just got a new hard drive installed in my 6 year old laptop along with additional ram/rum/rimram. I forgot. Luckily Rachael's boyfriend will install Windows 7 on it for me and show me how to install the various programs I use. Have fun playing with your new toy.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

You deserve it. (But no one deserves dial up).

RedNeckGirl said...

you'll love the laptop! i'm thinking of getting a small notebook soon.