Is it just me or do others think everyone involved in Politics whether it be Local, National or International have a complete lack of common sense. Some of the riddiculous decisions made (or not made) just defy logic.
1. Lets start with the "Credit Crunch" Ok its been allowed to happen which is wrong & it is a world problem & governments have to deal with it. Ours like a few others have decided to bail out the banks with astronomical amounts of cash which they have borrowed. Maybe this is or is not the right way but surely if we are bailing out banks with tax payers money certain regulations should be put in place. When I hear on the news that banks like RBS who have taken a "£20 billion payout" are now planning to use "£1 billion" to give their top brass a bonus,surely these bonuses should have gone to the wall as part of the bailout rules. These people should think themselves lucky they have still got jobs & homes to live in unlike many other less fortunate people.
Then totally to rub salt in the wound I understand they are still sponsoring the 6 Nations Rugby, yes with tax payers money.
2. Staying with the banks bail outs & the debt the loans are causing the country creates the question how can it be paid back. I've only heard two solutions, higher taxes or lower public spending. Ok these are probably the only options available but why does it need to be one or the other. The problem is ours today not that of future generations, it is morally unfair to laden people of the future with the debt created today. The quicker we can clear National debt the better then we can all hopfully prosper. I believe the government are not always doing whats right but are just making decisions based on getting votes.
3. To change the subject recently we have had a number of Wild cat strikes with British workers complaining about foreign tradesman been brought in. The arguments for foreign labour in certain trades is that the British labour wasn't avaiable which in some cases is true.
However for this I blame Government lack of common sense for this, not just today but over the last 20 years.
Why ? Well there has been a massive lack in apprentiships with the silly push to get everyone to university. Yes we need good Electricians, Joiners, Plumbers, Welders, Fitters, etc if the country is going to prosper, lets start encouraging it. And despite government policies you can't learn these trades in a 12 week wonder course.
4. University is great & I don't deny anyone an education but surely sending the majority of the population is pointless as there are only so many suitable jobs to go around at the end of it. In fact I'd go as far as saying its a big government ploy to keep the unemployment figures down.
I would like to see a scheme where people going to Uni are sponsored by companies who in turn guarantee jobs if exams are passed. I understand over 50% of youngsters obtaining a degree do not use it to get a job & end up having to take low paid jobs that are available.
5. Local Government are no better when it comes to common sense take the recent bad weather, a few days of snow and many local councils run out of salt to clear the roads (f**k me it is winter), what a shambles, now remind me what do I pay council tax for ?
And of course the side roads & pavements have not been touched many of them just sheet ice causing many accidents.
Surely it would be worthwhile giving people out of work & claiming Job seekers allowance a minimum wage for a couple of weeks to keep our streets clear. In fact it should be compulsary for them, they are getting paid to be looking for work. I'm sure the cost would be covered by the lower work load our hospitals get with less broken limbs from people falling on the ice.
6. And of course International Politicians show no more signs of common sense, lets just look at the new American President, I've just read where he as had to apologise because a number of his team are convicted Tax dodgers, no doesn't that fill you with confidence.
7. And while on the subject of Obama, I laugh everytime he suggests closing Guatanamo Bay, yes he wants other countries to take the inmates. Hell yes just what we need a few international fanatical terrorists, think we should take a few, lol. Actually thinking about our government we probably will.
I could go on but I'll end my rant for today.
As I read items 1 and 2, I felt like I was reading about the situation in the U.S. It's amazing at how similar the dynamics and mistakes of our two countries are. I think you make excellent observations about the education needs of the society as a whole. As to Obama, he actually has apologized saying, "I screwed up." Back to the economy, I'm worried.
If we close Gitmo, then where will we torture all those criminals? I am still a staunch convservative, so Obama has a ways to go to convince me...
I think they are all clueless
Why does Obama get to say what Cuba does with it's prisons?
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